I remember so specifically searching the Wang center website the day they posted the J-Term trips. I had narrowed it down to Greece and Italy. Wrote my essay, filled out my application, and practically ran it to the Wang center all in the same day. Then it hit me, when I was handing it all in and was asked which one do I want to my first choice, I didn’t know. I then just squeaked out “Greece!”.
What Greece gave to me, the most important takeaway was more than a gift, more like an addiction. The gift of travel. But now that I have experienced China and Greece, I don’t want to quite at all. Since I have been back in these few short days I am already looking when, where, and how I am going to get on a plane and go. If anything, this trip has given me an outlook of other cultures and added to the willingness and love I have to see and experience them. It has made my love of adventure even greater and my desire to continue even stronger.
Thank you Greece for fueling my craving of an expensive pastime that has now turned into an obsession.
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