Greece in Hindsight

This morning I stepped into my home church and was treated like a star because of my international travels and was even told I now have a "glow" about me I didn't have before.  Now I am about to share my photos with my brother, who is behind the times and doesn't have a Facebook.  Thinking back to when I first heard Dr. Finitsis was thinking about this trip when I was in "Sex in the Bible", I thought that if I didn't try to apply for it, I was nuts.  So I kept a weather eye out on the Wang Center website for the trip.  When the application finally showed up, however,  I started getting nervous.  My previous travels to Japan began with horrible jet lag and home sick ness, and I thought to myself, "Do I REALLY want to risk this again?  No matter how much I want to go to Greece, is it REALLY worth it?"  I applied, knowing that I had to take more risks in my life, also thinking to myself, "There's a chance it's not meant to be.  At least I applied!"  Then I got accepted.  My first thought upon recieving my acceptance e-mail was, "Hmmm, welll, guess it was meant to be!"  then from that moment on, I think I lived in a state of anticipation thinking, "Well, if my life can bring me here, who knows what can happen."  Fairly good way to live your life, I think.  Now that I am back, amd somewhat tired, but happy, I can safely think back and say, "How could I not think that was meant to be?"  Greece is a country that has so much to offer, and I am a person that has a lot to offer the world.  The way I see the world and experience it is completely unique, same as everyone else's world view.  So why shouldn't I get out there and put myself into the ether to share myself with the world?  Who knows what can happen and what I could experience by doing it?   


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Wang Center for Global Education, Pacific Lutheran University, 12180 Park Avenue S. Tacoma, WA 98447 253-531-7577