Greece in Hindsight

To think back to the time of my application for this J-term is to think back to practically a year ago. When signing up for a trip I had two choices for the trip I knew I wanted as my senior year, the trip must be a religion course to complete my GUR's or I needed to be going to Greece. I have always wanted to go to Greece, and over the last few years it seemed that all of my close friends except myself had been able to travel there. So when the Jterm list was published and there was a Religion trip to Greece, imagine my excitement. With having several friends who already traveled there, I definitely got an ear full of what to do and not miss to have the best trip. During the months before leaving I began to feel this need to have my own trip and my own experience, I did not want to live through them or my experience to be held back by theirs. Now this may come off as rude, but really it has to do with the fact that I am a people pleaser and many times I say no to what I want in an effort to make others happy and follow what they do. So before taking off for Greece I realized that this was going to be my trip, and that no matter what happened I would enjoy it. But of course as with all other times in life, when you set out to do something you better watch out for curve balls. I encountered a few before I even set foot on the plane for Greece, but again as with all things in life the things you have to work for are always better.
And so even though there were setbacks and it took effort, I enjoyed my trip. Every moment brought a smile. Every moment was a memory that I enjoyed. And solely based on personal enjoyment, its been one of my best trips. Looking back in hindsight I think this is partially do to the Greek culture of being relaxed. Things may be chaotic, but its all okay. The lifestyle of the cafe with coffee and conversation. It is about sitting, taking it all in, and savoring every moment. Many people have already talked about the different aspects of "the experience" and all about the cafes, and not to be redundant but its true that these two factors made the trip. A takeaway for all of us I think is to in some way or another add a little more of that Greek life and style to our own. I think we all enjoyed it while there, and in hindsight its what we don't want to let go. We all enjoyed the change of pace and that's what we see in the rear view mirror.


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Wang Center for Global Education, Pacific Lutheran University, 12180 Park Avenue S. Tacoma, WA 98447 253-531-7577