I woke up in my dorm room this afternoon and had to think twice about where I was. Once I realized I was in my room in Parkland, a tinge of sadness washed over me that I was back at home. I had been looking forward to Greece for months, three weeks went by in a blur, and now it's over. It's crazy to think that just a few days ago I was swimming in the Mediterranean Ocean.
Last March, I remember just taking a chance and walking into the study away fair. I've always wanted to see the world, but I'd never really considered study away. But all of a sudden, it seemed like a really good idea. I don't really know what compelled me to pick up the application other than an urging sense of adventure. Then the application became the most important thing; it took precedence over my homework for a couple days, and I turned it into the Wang Center a couple days later. After I turned in my application, I found out that a few friends had applied as well. I was pretty excited about that, but it was going to be a couple months before we found out about the trip.
On a sunny day in early May, I remember getting the email saying I had been accepted to the trip. It didn't seem real. I felt incredibly lucky to have the incredible opportunity to study in Greece. That night a few of the people we knew going on the trip got together to celebrate.

The first picture is of us at PLU the day we found out we'd be going to Greece, and the second picture is our last night in Greece. One of the things I notice looking at these two pictures is the different places we all are in our lives in the time that elapsed between them. Things are ever changing, and one of the biggest things I took from Greece was a different perspective.
Looking at yourself in a different setting than what you're comfortable with causes you to examine yourself and the way you live your life. My excitement about living has exponentially increased in three weeks. I looked at my life at home from a different perspective, and my sense of adventure became ever more present. I loved taking in all the Greek culture I could, and now I want to learn about other cultures too. I just want to experience. Going to Greece caused me to think a lot about the way I live my life and to be proud of the person I am.
Of course, I brought back a bunch of new friends too. :)

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