My Moment in Greece

Let me start with the fact that I am plagued with the disease of indecisiveness. Therefore set with the task to pick ONE moment of THREE WEEKS to define my WHOLE trip-----daunting. As I try to think back and go through the days abroad, I am struck with the fact that I cannot even remeber it all. Our time in Greece was was packed non-stop. It was always filled with activites of laughing, seeing, watching, hearing, walking, walking, walking, always taking something in. Some people reffered to it as over-stimulation, but I'm not sure I would agree because I think there wasn't a better way to do it. For me it ensured that we didn't miss anything or waste one minute and that leaves me satisfied that we did all we could do. There we so many great moments on this trip, and all were that best for their own reasons, each have defining characteristics. There's a best food moment, best joke, best mistake, best view, inspiration. Everything has its unique moment of "don't forget me, because your trip would have been entirely different without me". So I realized that my best moment, was my last. This may seem completely opposite as most people would think it was the most sad and worst moment but for me I spent my final moments in Greece, remembering Greece. Going through my mind remember ing each day, activity, joke and so on was my defining moment. I was not only reliving but realizing the greatness of the trip. So my moment was the moment I took to remember it all, as I thought I was leaving it all only to realize I could and was taking it with me. Though I may be indecisive, sometimes its a strength because I was able to have all of Greece, and take it with me too.


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Wang Center for Global Education, Pacific Lutheran University, 12180 Park Avenue S. Tacoma, WA 98447 253-531-7577