My Moment in Greece

Honestly I don’t have one favorite moment in Greece, the whole trip was amazing. One of the parts that I always enjoyed was when a group of us were sitting in a café for drinks. It could be in the morning grabbing the first cup of coffee, or at night drinking the last cup or cocktails. Most of the time, we would keep an eye out for cafés as we were walking though the city, they were everywhere. The fun part was that no matter what part of the city we were in, there were different styles cafés everywhere we went. We never ran out of places to go, unless we wanted to revisit any certain place because there were really good desserts, drinks, or Ice cream. The best part of the cafés was the conversations and jokes that were told, along with the company that we had. It was the best way to start and finish our days in Greece. As a group I feel we got to know each other better when we had a chance to hang out at the cafés, I would recommend it to everyone. 


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Wang Center for Global Education, Pacific Lutheran University, 12180 Park Avenue S. Tacoma, WA 98447 253-531-7577